About the Author
Part I of the book is about my science work and gives interactions with leading physicists regarding that. Part III has interesting biographical events.
Ashish Sirohi
This book has four parts, which can be read in any order.
Part I
Ashish Sirohi studied physics at Columbia University. By bringing in infinity, he provides a simple explanation for the constancy of speed of light. Einstein simply postulated the constancy. His alternative equations, consistent with both of Einstein’s postulates, are a counterexample to Einstein’s claimed derivation –taught in college level textbooks – that Einstein’s two postulates necessarily imply Einstein’s equations. The book gives full communications with Nobel Prize winners Gerard ‘t Hooft, Steven Weinberg, and Frank Wilczek, where they, having acknowledged reading the paper, evade the question of whether he has a valid counterexample. Similar evasion by Lee Smolin, Carlo Rovelli and others involved with officially reviewing the paper suggests that the counterexample is valid. His theory, like relativity, has different observers measuring time differently, but it gives a specific cosmological test case where they will measure time to be the same, violating relativity. Telescopic observations showing this very predicted violation of relativity have now appeared in physics journals.
A physical reality of our universe is that the speed of light is always the same, irrespective of the speed of the source of light or the speed of the observer. This special status regarding the speed of light violated Galilean-Newtonian physics (which for short we will call Newtonian physics or classical physics) and necessitated a revision of physics. Albert Einstein provided a revision. Classical physics was consistent with the “common sense” or intuitive notion that objects would be seen to move at changed speeds by observers, depending on speed of the observer and its direction. For observers looking at moving mass, the speed they measure is affected by their own motion. How or why does light behave differently, in that an observer’s own speed does not matter when looking at light and measuring its speed? How did Einstein explain this strange reality? Einstein had no direct explanation, no mechanism, and no details of what makes this happen. We do!
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Special relativity dramatically broke from classical physics because of the below postulate.
Light postulate: The speed of light has the same value in space in all (inertial) frames of reference.
The other postulate of special relativity is: The laws of physics are the same in all (inertial) frames of reference. This postulate is largely consistent with what was already known from Galilean-Newtonian physics; in chapter 3, we address the question of arguable fine differences between it and what was before.
The experimental evidence for the light postulate is overwhelming, and there are no credible experimental results against it. Our theory agrees with both the postulates and thus all the experimental evidence in favor of the postulates also supports our theory. (The experimental failures of special relativity that we referred to above are not of the postulates but of other parts, where our theory diverges from special relativity).
Let us first review classical physics, which was so dramatically contradicted by the light postulate. As we know, velocity is just speed with direction specified, thus for our purposes of discussion we can interchange one for other.
We consider two cars moving on the road. Commonly, when we say a car is moving at a certain speed we refer to its speed relative to the road, and that is what we mean here. We can skip the units of speed. One car is moving at 20 and the other at 30 in the same direction as shown. We refer to the occupants of the cars as You and Other.
u and v are commonly used as symbols in physics to denote speed or velocity. You are going to the right at u=20. Other is going to right at v=30.
According to classical physics, You will see Other going to the right at v’= v – u = 30 – 20 = 10 relative to you. And, of course, this classical velocity addition makes perfect sense from experience because Other is 10 faster than You. But to make the light postulate hold true, it can be shown that all velocity additions have to change, so this answer of 10 is not perfectly accurate, but at speeds much slower than light the error is miniscule.
Now suppose You are going to the right at 0.9 times the speed of light, u = 0.9c, and the Other you are observing is Light, v=c.
Then by classical physics, You would see Light going at v’ = v – u = 1c – 0.9c = 0.1c relative to you i.e. light will be faster than you by 0.1 c. But according to above light postulate of special relativity, all observers always see the speed of light to be the same. That means, no matter what speed You are moving at, you will see light to be moving to the right at 1c. Thus classical physics and the “common sense” expectation that you would be catching up to light and therefore would see light at 0.1c is wrong! Even if You increase your speed to, say, 0.999999c, you will observe light to be traveling at 1c.
We provide below a simple explanation for the constancy of speed of light. Einstein simply assumed this constancy of speed of light and called it a postulate. It often is the situation in physics that we have discovered something we can experimentally confirm, and that is where the physics of the situation ends. If one could answer further “how” and “why” something holds true then that could be new physics.
We actually give below the “how” and “why” which Einstein was not able to provide, and that does lead to new physics; in fact, it leads to new equations which are different from and contradict those that Einstein found. To understand our answer to the “how” and “why” of the light postulate let us detour back to classical physics, forgetting about special relativity – for a moment only.
Light has long been known to have a high but finite speed. Special relativity also says (correctly) that no mass can travel faster than the speed of light.
However, in classical physics mass could be made to travel with there being no maximum limit. We are taking a momentary hypothetical detour from special relativity only for the purpose of visiting the concept of infinity (∞). We are only illustrating a mathematical concept and do not suggest that any mass would actually travel with infinite speed in classical physics, and thus do not need to go into what such actual travel at infinity would physically mean.
In mathematics, when you add or subtract a finite number from ∞ you still get ∞. For example, ∞ – 4700000 = ∞ and ∞ + 99999999999999 = ∞.
Then applying this rule of mathematics to below diagram, no matter how fast a finite speed You have, you will always see Other travel at ∞.
In above v’ = v – u= ∞ – 9000000= ∞. The answer from rules of classical physics would be ∞ whether you had u = 9000000 or u = 99999999999999 or any other finite value.
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Light, in having this property of its speed being constant, is behaving the way an object moving at infinite velocity would in classical physics, in that the speed of the observer would not matter. For light to behave this way there should, in our view, be a hidden infinity in the mathematics of relativity which corresponds to the speed of light. We parted from Einstein and actually found this hidden infinity in the mathematics of velocity addition.
In physics we have the famous notions of “quantum jump” and “discreteness.” These come from quantum mechanics, where at small scales things are not continuous but “granular.” Many physicists have been suggesting a lattice structure for space, or some other way whereby space takes on a discrete character. But giving space such structures would not explain “how” and “why” of the light postulate and tell us where the hidden infinity in the mathematics of the motion of light is which causes the speed of the observer to not matter.
In classical physics and in the theory of relativity all motion is continuous. In our theory we abandon continuous motion for mass and thereby unite relativity with the discrete nature of quantum mechanics. However, very importantly, we hold on to light (or massless particles) having continuous motion. Mass moves through space discretely, “jumping” from one point to another without passing through the points in between. On the other hand, the motion of light through space is continuous.
The book cover design is an illustration of this. The continuous lines at the top represent motion of light and the lines at the bottom depict discrete motion of mass.
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Now let us look at a stretch of space that mass and light are moving through. In a unit time a discretely moving point mass particle will be at a finite number of points and will have made a finite number of jumps; in this time light will travel continuously over all points in its path. Continuous motion is not discrete motion, as the latter has number of jumps per time and length of jumps. However, we can consider the number of jumps in continuous motion to be infinite, with the jump length being zero. By thus using infinity and zero, continuous motion mathematically parallels discrete. Therefore light will effectively have made an infinite number of jumps.
Thus we have the hidden infinity we were looking for.
In our theory, addition of velocities depends on adding (or subtracting) the number of jumps per unit time. The number of jumps per unit time is infinite (∞) for light and finite for an observer having mass. When an observer looks at light, addition and subtraction will involve adding or subtracting a finite number from ∞ and the result will still be ∞. Thus the speed of the observer will not matter and that is what explains the light postulate.
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Physics books and papers repeatedly state that time dilation has been experimentally confirmed. Despite what physicists think and claim, time dilation – that time itself dilates – has never been shown to be true; to show it to be true we need to simultaneously test it across multiple clock mechanisms and that has not been done. Clocks are mechanisms that are affected by motion, and by gravity and various forces, so they show different times when these differ. Our equations also lead to different time measurements by observers. However, unlike special relativity, in our theory, the ratio between the time measured by the two observers takes into account the mechanics of the event being measured. To illustrate special relativity’s time dilation many textbooks and popular books give the example of the “light clock,” whose mechanism we detail in chapter 3. In this case our equations yield the same time factor as special relativity. But in our theory different clock mechanisms observed by the same two observers could give different time ratios. Special relativity has a time dilation formula that applies between the inertial frames of the two observers. Using this formula, the ratio of time rates between clocks in the two inertial frames is computed from the relative velocity between the frames. This formula has been tested multiple times using atomic clocks. In special relativity the ratio between the time measured by observers in these two frames will have this same computed value, no matter what the clock mechanism or the event being measured. So to confirm this we need to simultaneously test with different clock mechanisms and show that time dilation remains the same irrespective of clock mechanism. Unfortunately for special relativity, as we discuss below and in full detail in chapter 3, it has already been shown that natural cosmic clocks – quasars being an example of a such a clock – behave differently than atomic clocks when it comes to time dilation. Special relativity has failed this test involving different clock mechanisms!
Length contraction has not been experimentally tested at all. In our theory length of an object remains invariant, and there is no length contraction. Many in physics look only at the mathematics of a physics theory and they can correctly point out that, mathematically, there is no problem with length contraction. However, we are talking physics, and we doubted it was physical reality. What is special relativity’s length contraction? From the Lorentz transformations it follows that length of an object moving relative to you contracts parallel to the direction of motion. Suppose Other and You both have a measuring stick of the same length. Other gets into a very fast vehicle and zooms past You; assume that both sticks are aligned parallel to Other’s direction of motion. As Other passes You, you will notice that Other’s stick is shorter. At v = 0.866c Other’s stick would have contracted to half the length of your stick. It is not just the stick, Other’s vehicle and everything in it will all contract parallel to the direction of motion. And, of course, this happens all the time as people move relative to each other, except that the contraction is so small at everyday speeds that you cannot observe it. We consider length contraction to be one of the strangest claims in the history of physics, and we have always felt that special relativity came with a clear expiry date because the day length contraction claim is experimentally tested would be the day this theory falls. However, giving a rigid body enough speed would be a technological challenge. We also always felt that time itself does not dilate and that properly testing time dilation, by using diverse clock mechanisms, would experimentally topple special relativity before failure of its length contraction does. Where we did agree with Einstein was that the two postulates of special relativity were physical reality.
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Professors who compile or disseminate on experimental status of relativity – examples are Professors Clifford Will and John Baez and we give more details later in the book – do so on a biased basis, which always carries the message that special relativity has passed all tests. We have already mentioned suppression of the time dilation failure of special relativity. Beyond this, such professors, and at least these two in particular, love to throw the word “crackpot” at those who question special relativity. In our view, there perhaps can be no greater crackpot than a professor who provides and disseminates a compilation that continues to spread misinformation on experimental status throughout the world. Professors Baez and Will are two such notorious relativity worshipping professors.
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Physics has put all its eggs in one basket with the faith in special relativity and in general relativity, which rests on special relativity! Thus there is good reason why physics authorities want our equations as well as the failure of the Lorentz transformations of special relativity suppressed forever. The fall of special relativity would wipe out the theoretical life work of current physics authorities and of so many past others, which was all based on absolute faith in special relativity.
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Our counterexample to Einstein’s derivation is also being suppressed by authorities, with three Nobel Prize winners – Gerard ‘t Hooft, Steven Weinberg and Frank Wilczek – commenting on our paper but evading the question of whether we have a counterexample. Either our equations form a counterexample to Einstein’s derivation or they don’t. How much simpler in its thesis and in its invite to find a flaw in the technical arguments could a paper be? If there was no counterexample they would surely have pointed that out with glee. In chapter 4 we document their comments, as well as those of others.
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In the next chapter we examine reasons why the dogmas of scientists can be stronger than those of traditional religions, and in chapter 6 we show that this was actually the case during the time of Galileo. The methodologies used by dogmatic physics authorities to prevent dissemination of scientific facts that go against their most cherished beliefs regarding the physical world are also of similar nature to methodologies that have often been employed by authorities of traditional churches. A fundamental difference between science and religion centers on the existence and role of God; it seems the existence and role of God will never be proved or disproved and thus will never be settled. Events such as miracles in religious texts result from the will of God, and since these do not happen in the normal course of events they escape the demand of scientific replication.
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We live in a special time in physics history because never before (since the post-Galileo period) has there been such authoritarian religious worship of a theory and suppression of facts against it by physics authorities. It is for this reason that we call today’s physics establishment the relativity worshipping Church of Physics. (In this book, unless otherwise specified, we use “church” as a generic word for a place of worship or religious organization).
We continue the discussion in the previous chapter of Einstein’s path to the equations of special relativity, called Lorentz transformations. And we discuss in more detail some of the related philosophical matters.
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There are other books and websites devoted to attacks on special relativity. We do not make a frivolous or amateurish attack. In most attacks on special relativity, the light postulate speed limit is the one questioned; most such attacks are by amateurs who are looking to remove the speed limit but do not offer equations of their own. Many people want a future where we can zoom across the universe as fast as we want. After all, even at the speed of light travel to the nearest star would take years, which means we are not going anywhere in a hurry and are effectively restricted to lifetime travel to a very small region of the vast universe. In science fiction they have the concept of warped space or hyperspace, without which the Star Trek crew would reach nowhere in their five year missions. In fact, as we see below, even mainstream scientists having a need to modify special relativity’s equations would modify the constancy of the speed of light – though only slightly. A potential replacement of special relativity, we felt, would involve one that offers equations explaining the constancy of the speed of light, not one that in some way alters the constancy. Our equations keep the two postulates perfectly intact and, by explaining the light postulate and thus making it not a postulate, completely rule out the faster than light travel for mass that is proposed by many amateurs and mainstream scientists.
In May 2017, Nobel Prize winner Gerard ‘t Hooft replied to us regarding our forming alternative equations to special relativity that also preserved the postulates and thus were a counterexample to Einstein’s derivation: “[T]hink can outsmart more than a century of theoretical physicists . . . Please be assured that this is elementary physics, taught to freshmen students in a few weeks time.” (This was part of the same email that we quote from in chapter 1, regarding infinity).
Gerard ‘t Hooft’s absolute confidence and blind faith that special relativity’s foundations cannot be toppled has been the problem with special relativity, with students being indoctrinated into accepting their professors’ faith. What fool will question the foundational derivation of what is today deemed “elementary physics”? Students swiftly and faithfully memorize the Lorentz transformations along with Einstein’s derivation that shows no other equations consistent with the two postulates are possible; in such pursuit they follow the same scientific tradition and practice by which much of Aristotelian scientific reasoning was uncritically memorized. Professors who today are the experts in charge, including ‘t Hooft, are products of this ongoing system of deep faith in special relativity. This is the current physics life path to a secure career, just like the path of faithfully following Aristotelian reasoning was once the way. We saw our fellow physics students ready to charge on to a lifetime devoted to building on relativity. But we held on to our doubts regarding the validity of Einstein’s derivation, finally toppling the derivation. The dogma that Einstein has a derivation that shows that postulates imply the Lorentz transformations, and no other set of equations, is the central dogma of the relativity worshipping church. Anti-intellectual evasion is the methodology that church professors today employ to preserve this dogma.
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Besides contempt for philosophy, there is also the shared contempt within the church of physics for independent reasoning that goes against the reasoning of Einstein. Logic is a branch of philosophy that relativity worshippers, who have all accepted the reasoning in Einstein’s derivation of the Lorentz transformations, seemingly do not like to practice at all and they even ignore the logic of a counterexample to the derivation. Perhaps the church of physics authorities should change their above anti-philosophy proclamations to “against logic” and “logic is dead.” There are consequences when a field abandons logic which, at minimum, are the eventual invalidation of the life work of scientists whose success is centered around such evasion and suppression of inconvenient logic by physics authorities; their highly awarded and rewarded life work is important only temporarily and is not going to last beyond the point where these powerful fact and reason evading experts lose control of the field.
Einstein biographer Abraham Pais talks of the “admiration of his peers” and the “general public”:
He is a new Moses come down from the mountain to bring the law . . . Behold, a new man appears. His mathematical language is sacred yet amenable to transcription in the profane: the fourth dimension . . . He fulfills two profound needs in man, the need to know and the need not to know but to believe (italics mine).[22]
Physicists today religiously believe in the fourth dimension and to them the messiah’s derivation and his mathematical language are sacred. The famous fourth dimension is something we did not share the “admiration of his peers” for or their “need not to know but to believe” in; we wanted to remove this fourth dimension and successfully did, going back to three dimensions and a separate time, while also incorporating and explaining the constancy of the speed of light. We did what their messiah’s worshipped logic, reasoning and proclamations showed to not be possible. But such science cannot persuade relativity worshippers because they will evade reasoning and reality when it goes against dogmas founded on their messianic special relativity.
What separates today’s physics authorities from Einstein, and from physics authorities of Einstein’s time, is that Einstein intellectually addressed any genuine matters that arose – even after relativity had become dominant – rather than suppress and ignore such matters.
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What can cause scientific dogma to be greater than religious dogma? What can cause scientists to be more inclined than priests of traditional religions to suppress scientific truths and to also be better able to do so? We suggest below ten reasons:
Reason 1: Traditional churches may be more open to truths of nature that contradict their texts because these churches can often defend what is scientifically incorrect in their scriptures by simply reinterpreting the scripture or declaring certain text to have been metaphorical and not meant to have been taken literally. An example is the creation versus evolution debate. Pope Francis, accepting scientific reality, thus stated the new position of the church: “Evolution of nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation because evolution presupposes the creation of beings which evolve.” The religious scripture having a scientific statement here or there that comes under question does not shake the foundations which have messiahs, teachings, and literature text which as their core. Scientific statements are mostly on the periphery of the religious scripture, and are few and far between. Further, the scientific claim in religious scriptures is usually just conclusion, without a convincing intellectual paradigm built on some combination of reasoning and data that an army of great geniuses have examined, understood and built on. The traditional religious churches also do not have any scientific proof or logical fallacy, such as a counterexample, to their fundamental belief in a creator God, and are thus on far more unshakable ground regarding their God foundations. On the other hand, practitioners of science fields like physics, who often operate with similar lifetime devotion to the written text as do traditional religions, deal with equations that often leave no wiggle room, and come with attached reasoning showing those conclusions to be true. All this precise details does not allow a reinterpretation. Thus discovery of problems with the equations or conclusions in their texts, irrespective of whether these problems arise from empirical testing or flaws in the reasoning that led to them, can be fatal, and there may be great resistance to acknowledgment and dissemination of such fatal truths.
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Reason 2: Scientists read the affirmations of other great scientists concurring with the revered foundational theory and read publications building on the foundational theory. With a growing number of great names praising and building on the theory, doubters become increasingly rare with time. In science, extreme reverence by experts for what a great scientist laid down, when it grows with repeated affirmations by other revered scientists who have spent their lives studying and building on those original foundations, can begin to exceed the reverence of a church priest for what is laid down in religious scriptures. Traditional religions do not have such repeat proclamations by great intellectuals, and have only the original words. Skepticism and openness to doubting can all vanish in time, with a theory in science becoming a greater shared dogma than any scriptural scientific statement. Special relativity rose to become such a theory.
Reason 3: Dogmatic scientific authorities are able to cement the faith of believers by creating confirmations through objective experimentation as well as through selective experimentation, and by selective conclusion made from experiments (one common unjustified special relativity conclusion being that an experiment showed that time itself dilates), whereas other churches cannot create new facts to support their scriptures. Whether experimentation or conclusion is objective can also depend on the authorities in charge.
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Reason 5: Scientific dogma can in practice be a greater obstacle to pursuit of truth in that scientists can set up a peer review methodology in a way that they can use to can get away with suppressing scientific truth far more successfully than traditional churches; other churches do not have such a working methodology at hand that is available for such misuse. A major advantage that today’s church of physics has over other churches when it comes to science that challenges what is in their texts is that the authorities are the gatekeepers of science while authorities of other churches lack power in that they are not gatekeepers of science – at least not today – and thus cannot attempt suppression of scientific facts that go against what is in their texts. Today, the church of physics is able to prevent dissemination of scientific facts that challenge the foundations of special relativity. Meanwhile, other churches are forced to acknowledge scientific reality, which means they have to address, reevaluate or reinterpret what they have previously worshipped as being fact.
Scientists can, and today do, successfully use power and use colleagues in power at journals to ban alternative theories. Journals that, after peer review, publish work against the mainstream view have been black-listed by physics authorities as publishing crackpot papers, and so have their editors, and getting a paper published there is doom for the paper. The public hears the term “peer review” but the real requirement, at least at the current time in physics, is to work within the major foundational theory, rather than challenge it, or be blacklisted.
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Carlo Rovelli, among the greatest admirers of general relativity, talks of both special and general relativity in his books, noting that “Special relativity is a subtle and conceptually difficult theory. It is more difficult to digest than general relativity (italics mine)”.[35] Special relativity is “subtle,” in our view, in that the physics question of what equations follow from the constancy of speed of light is subtle. And for us special relativity is “difficult to digest” because of its lack of rigor in providing the answer, thus allowing a counterexample to its derivation and, additionally, because of its lack of explanation for constancy of speed of light.
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Wilczek further notes in his Nobel Prize lecture[41]:
Quantum mechanics and special relativity are two great theories of twentieth-century physics. Both are very successful. But these two theories are based on entirely different ideas, which are not easy to reconcile. In particular, special relativity puts space and time on the same footing, but quantum mechanics treats them very differently. This leads to a creative tension, whose resolution has led to three previous Nobel Prizes (and ours is another).
And Wilczek notes the theoretical foundations of particle physics: “combining quantum mechanics and special relativity seemed to lead inevitably to quantum field theory [QFT].”
Wilczek spent many years staying in the house where Einstein lived; it might have been wise for him to also spend some years at Newton’s old house pondering how his physics did not have a space and time that was so dramatically incompatible with quantum mechanics, and whether special relativity was the only possible way to resolve the matter of speed of light.
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We differed philosophically regarding infinity and the physical world, and went back to 1905 and actually incorporated infinity as the means of explaining the constancy of speed of light, leading to new equations that would replace those of special relativity. Our theory has discrete motion for mass, but not discrete space with a minimum length; such minimum length is a path away from infinite divisibility, and we were not looking to escape the reality of the infinite in the physical world. And our path leads to the constancy of length and not having time itself dilating, thus avoiding these troubling incompatibilities with quantum mechanics.
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The philosophy of time has an increasing number of books, articles, and video lectures about it nowadays, discussing the evolution of time from Newton to Einstein and their respective “time flow” and “time flow affected by motion.” Both these “time flow” concepts can be brought down using clock experiments; finally, emerging experimental reality is at hand to bring an end to centuries of mistaken philosophy. This wrong “time flow” philosophy, which states time to be an independent physical entity, came from Newtonian physics and then was built upon – not repudiated as philosophers and physicists say – by Einstein. Our focus is on the common Newton-Einstein philosophy regarding there being “time flow” and on the further Einsteinian modification that time itself dilates. Our time philosophy aligns back with the ancient pre-Newtonian philosophy that time does not flow as an independent physical entity; we agree with the philosophy that time is a measure of change and thus there needs to be some physical change for time to exist. We unite this ancient philosophy of time with the modern reality of the constancy of speed of light.
A favorite description by authors narrating the path from Newton to Einstein is that Einstein freed us from the “absolute time” of Newtonian physics. We would agree that this is true. But things are not that simple. While the Lorentz transformations, the equations of special relativity, do remove the “absolute time” flow of Newtonian physics, they preserve the concept of time flowing as an independent physical quantity. (We will address the matter of relativity’s spacetime later in the chapter.) Physicists summarize special relativity’s modification of Newtonian time flow with phrases such as, “Motion affects the flow of time.”[52]
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Let us now examine Einstein’s reasoning connecting velocity and time, from which he made the conclusion that “Motion affects the flow of time.”
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Lee Smolin discusses this logic in his book, The Trouble with Physics:
The key is that we do not measure speed directly. Speed is a ratio: It is a certain distance per a certain time. The central realization of Einstein is that different observers measure a photon [light] to have the same speed, even if they are moving with respect to each other, because they measure space and time differently. Their measurements of time and distance vary from each other in such a way that one speed, that of light, is universal.[54]
Einstein’s above conclusion that for different observers to measure light to have the same speed it is necessary that observers measure lengths in space differently and measure time differently was wrong. We can argue that if we rearrange and put time=distance/speed then speed is no longer a ratio and time becomes the ratio, and then it is time and not speed that we can supposedly claim to not measure directly. The relationship between time and speed and whether one, and which one, should be considered the primary physical quantity is an interesting philosophical question. Time, and not speed, being a primary quantity is a dogma that we explicitly rejected in chapter 1. There we gave our simple reasons why, in our theory, we “have velocity and not time as the quantity we prefer to work with as a starting point.” Philosophically, we believe that change (such as that represented by velocity) is associated with the very existence of time rather than time flowing independently of anything else, and that philosophy affected our choice of what we start with: velocity (change) or time. And this different philosophy yielded different equations! The physics reality is that through our theory’s equations, we are able to explain the constancy of speed of light without observers measuring length of objects differently and without time itself dilating. The reasoning about the necessary implications of speed=distance/time is thus shown to be wrong. This unstated and wrong assumption about speed and time was central to Einstein’s thinking.
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There is no doubt that t’ = t equation holds true in classical physics and we have different observers measuring the same time for the same event. But our interpretation does not take the absolute time of Newtonian physics to have meant that time itself “flows” as an independent physical quantity. We could attempt to make a similar statement about observers in different frames and relativity’s relative time flow; however, in relativity time necessarily is an independent physical quantity and we have actual time dilation.
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If it was time itself that was dilating, as it does in special relativity, then all clocks being compared between the observers’ frames would necessarily record the same dilation. Again, in our theory time itself does not dilate. In particular the equations of our theory state that there will be no measured time variance whatsoever when one looks at an event that involves emission of light from a source and in which the source is observed to be moving along the same line of motion as the light emitted by the source. For observers on Earth, cosmic clocks such as quasars match both criteria; these objects are being observed to show no time dilation in a clear violation of special relativity’s time dilation.
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New Scientist reported in an article titled Time waits for no quasar – even though it should: [65]
Using observations of nearly 900 quasars made over periods of up to 28 years, Hawkins compared patterns in the light between quasars about 6 billion light years from us with those at 10 billion light years away.
All quasars are broadly similar . . . So one would expect that a brightness variation on the scale of, say, a month in the closer group would be stretched to two months in the more distant group.
[Article quotes Hawkins:] “To my amazement, the [light signatures] were exactly the same . . . There was no time dilation in the more distant objects.”
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Is relativity one big conspiracy? No, the behavior of named physicists and their related fear of truth and evasion of truth is associated with the nature of dogma and unshakable belief. As detailed in chapter 2 and illustrated historically in chapter 6, scientific dogma often is greater than religious dogma. Thus science often behaves worse than a church would behave. Then, in our view, the proper question is whether churches sometimes hide or ignore truth that goes against their teachings. The behavior of churches has not been constant in history, and varies with the nature of the authorities in power.
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In special relativity length and time are distorted as one looks out at relatively moving celestial bodies in the universe. God, in our theory, keeps the celestial shapes undistorted. Further, in our theory, the cosmic clocks in our expanding universe would not have the distortion of special relativity’s time dilation and would blink and flicker at the same rate. The physical power of infinity keeps the speed of light the same for all observers while also keeping observations of the celestial universe, both in length and time, the same for all.
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Our paper was completed in January 2005 and was rejected by journal editors, mostly without comments on specifics, with our final attempts being in 2018. This is a history of that evasion and rejection, with some renowned names involved.
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Evasion of the kind we encountered from famous names has not been standard physics practice; traditionally, scientists would give a reason. The nature of a field of science, as we have discussed earlier, varies with the nature of the authorities in charge.
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Most of the people mentioned below have great expertise with special relativity; these include the three Nobel Prize winners we quote below – whose expertise partly comes from quantum field theory (QFT) which is built to be consistent with special relativity. Others included those who had themselves had been working on possible modifications of special relativity as part of their pursuit of quantum gravity (uniting relativity with quantum mechanics).
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Our paper was then submitted to Annals of Physics Editor and physics Nobel Prize winner Frank Wilczek on May 2, 2005:
Dear Esteemed Professor Wilczek:
. . . I share your great admiration for the works of Albert Einstein. However, Einstein wrongly thought that his equations are the only ones that can be shown to follow from his two postulates. My theory presents an interesting alternative . . .
We got this intermediate email from journal administrator:
Submissions are normally made through our publisher, Elsevier, via the submission tool at their site: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/aop and I look forward to receiving your paper through that site. I will log your ms. and assign a number, however, so that if you prefer to wait to do this until Prof. Wilczek had made a decision regarding publication, you may do so.
Eve Sullivan for ANNALS OF PHYSICS
And then Sullivan sent the rejection decision on May 21:
The editor has reviewed your paper and finds it to be too speculative. Thank you for having given us the opportunity of considering it. There is no further report.
“Too speculative” is seemingly a term available to editors looking to reject potentially revolutionary papers that they do not like, without sending them to referees. Again, looking at our argument above regarding Einstein publishing his arguably more speculative paper, what has changed in physics?
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Wilczek, Weinberg and others hide the reality of their power to evade and suppress, which power pre-WWII physics authorities did not exercise and did not allow others to exercise. Physics now has a system where journals and media hide experimental and theoretical problems with special relativity: its time dilation and its central derivation.
Wilczek cites books by Sabine Hossenfelder, John Horgan and others and counter-argues:
I get asked about these books and their dismal messages frequently . . . For theoretical physicists they are a kind of reproach, since they argue that today’s physics has gotten itself into a dead-end . . . What’s going on here? Opinions may differ about the current health of physics, but . . . 20th-century breakthroughs . . . relativity . . . our theoretical understanding reached a very high plateau . . . a pinnacle of human achievement . . . When you have reached a high plateau, ascending still higher gets more difficult . . . Really, the plateau we’ve reached is a good place to be (italics mine).[75]
. . .
The dramatic problem with modern physics has been that its two main theories – relativity and quantum mechanics – are incompatible with each other. That itself should have been cause for caution regarding the extraordinary confidence in relativity. Special relativity, in our view, needs to be foundationally replaced and we have the replacement. But those foundations are sacred to Wilczek and other authorities. Our paper points to specific theoretical and experimental clouds over special relativity, which specifics physicists in power want to hide. Dogmatic physics authorities, who cannot counter these specifics, have turned physics into a power and suppression game.
. . .
Telescopes and their observations were in news. While browsing about telescope observations of celestial bodies in 2014, we discovered that quasars had failed special relativity’s time dilation all the way back in 2001! That further dramatically shook our trust in the objectivity of the physics powers-that-be when it comes to special relativity.
. . .
The paper was submitted to Foundations of Physics in November 2014, with a letter addressed to ‘t Hooft.
We got the below rejection email:
. . . I regret to inform you that the editors had to conclude that this work is not suitable for publication in Foundations of Physics.
Gerard ‘t Hooft, Editor in Chief
Specific comments from a member of the Editorial Board:
The author of this manuscript fails to make clear how his/her work relates to current discussions in the foundations of physics. Regrettably, this fact places the current submission outside the scope of Foundations of Physics.
This is displayed by a lack of references to recent literature.
We responded:
Professor ‘t Hooft – The most recent reference mentioned in my submitted paper was the 2010 Quasars paper, where quasars are not showing Time Dilation. There should have been vigorous discussion of this experimental failure of Special Relativity in physics journals. But since today’s editors and authors are relativity-worshippers there is no such discussion.
From later correspondence with ‘t Hooft it seemed that the “editorial board” had entirely handled the submission and ‘t Hooft was not personally involved, though he seemed to have looked at the issue after we connected by email.
. . .
The last email we received from ‘t Hooft was on Dec 9, 2017 where he said: “[Y]ou shouldn’t formulate the laws of relativity by guessing velocity addition rules.” We replied: “You ignore the advantages of my equations that I listed. You can call my equations a ‘guess’ since there is no derivation, but I would rather have a correct guess than have a mistaken derivation, to which a counterexample exists, as the foundation.”
. . .
Foundations of Physics . . . editorial board had three names who had themselves been looking to modify special relativity: Carlo Rovelli who was editor in chief, Lee Smolin and Alan Kostelecký. In chapters 2 and 3, we have discussed our work and compared it with theirs.
Rovelli and Smolin were highly conversant with the matter of discrete versus continuous and the need to modify properties of special relativity such as its length contraction. They were also experts on the matter of time, having written entire books on it.
. . .
Our final email regarding the submission was sent on Jun 3, 2018:
I appeal to the Editorial Board of Foundations of Physics . . .
. . .
Carlo Rovelli: You are an expert on possible modifications on special relativity, and my paper cites your papers on the topic. You note that “The worst enemies of knowledge are . . . those who would never accept their certainties to be questioned” and “the credibility that science enjoys rely on the intellectual honesty of the scientists.” I urge you to publish the paper, or give a reason for rejection.
. . .
For how many more decades will physicists waste their lives dogmatically building on what is not reality by refusing to replace special relativity?
Special relativity is the foundation upon which general relativity is built. Since the Lorentz transformations of special relativity are not reality, Minkowski spacetime reformulation of these cannot be reality and, in turn, the curved spacetime of general relativity, which is founded on this, cannot be reality.
We have toppled general relativity by taking out its special relativity foundations. However, we do not have a new theory of gravity. A theory of gravity to replace Newtonian gravitational theory was needed because Newtonian theory makes wrong predictions even within our solar system. A further theoretical problem with Newtonian gravity was that gravity was instantaneous whereas we have a speed of light limit in special relativity (and in our theory.) That Newtonian gravity can be reinterpreted to have the speed of gravity be equal to the speed of light is, arguably, a possibility (though some would challenge that and say it cannot be done without substantial problems arising). However, the key victory of general relativity over Newtonian gravity was in making the right predictions within our solar system.
. . .
The showdown between Newtonian gravity and general relativity occurred during a solar eclipse in 1919, and media coverage of that result made Einstein a celebrity overnight. Newtonian gravity had light bending by half the amount that was predicted by general relativity.
. . .
If there is no dark matter then general relativity is a wrong theory and all those additional bells and whistles in its favor will not save it. No number of experiments can prove a theory right but a single contradiction to its key foundations or predictions can prove it wrong.
. . .
A further LIGO claim is regarding events such as that in August 2017 which was supposed to be a neutron star merger that produced both gravitational and electromagnetic waves. This event with two types of waves would be a confirmation that what LIGO detected was not noise but an actual event that can be independently confirmed. In this event, LIGO detected gravitational waves while simultaneously, 2 seconds later, independent telescopes detected electromagnetic waves. But how do we know what LIGO detected were also not electromagnetic waves or noise, as LIGO would term such? Again, telescopes only detect the electromagnetic ranges they are designed to but LIGO, on the other hand, can seemingly detect all ranges of electromagnetic noise. Further, over the following weeks, this merger kept producing various ranges of electromagnetic waves, which were detected by observatories designed for different ranges; thus diverse electromagnetic radiation seems to be a possible feature of such events. We believe it quite likely that for the first 2 seconds the merger produced electromagnetic waves outside the range of other observatories. There were other problems too with the August 2017 event.
. . .
General relativity has a curved spacetime based on a 4-dimensional geometry. This curvature of space (or spacetime) should be measurable. How do we directly measure the curvature of space? . . . light rays in flat space would remain parallel, whereas in curved space (or spacetime) they would diverge away from each other or converge towards one another. By focussing on light reaching us from very far away objects we can make a determination . . .
. . .
The cosmic microwave background (CMB) has visible distant “patches” or “spots” and their size has been measured to determine flatness. Physicists now largely accept, based on experimental data from high precision measurements by Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and by the Planck satellite, that the universe is flat within a 0.4% margin of error. Parallel light rays in our universe stay parallel, and there is no hint of the exotic geometry of general relativity being reality.
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Part II
The book compares scientific dogma and religious dogma, using the Galileo matter and Sirohi’s own experience, and shows that the former is often stronger than the latter. At Galileo’s time the church was much more open to addressing empirical evidence and pursuing emerging truths of nature than were the scientists who effectively worshipped Aristotle. Similarly, most physicists today are worshippers of special relativity. Physics authorities religiously teach students a wrong derivation, hiding the counterexample; further, above observational relativity violation is not covered by physics texts, media or popular science writers. Included is a science fiction chapter about a planet where the Church of Physics defeats God-believing religions and becomes the main faith and religion.
The world is pervaded by the general impression that readiness to overthrow accepted beliefs about the physical universe based on empirical or other objective evidence is the scientific mindset and sticking to dogmatic beliefs stated in texts is the religious mindset. The Galileo case is often used to illustrate this difference: the story of a pioneer from the scientific establishment prosecuted by the church establishment. Many writing on the philosophy of science or on the claimed historical conflict between science and religious dogma cite this famous case of the scientist prosecuted by the church. It is also often stated that, as part of church establishments’ practice of dogma, there was a requirement that scientific matters which contradicted scripture be considered hypothesis only and not stated as being factually correct. We examine the conclusions about adherence to dogma by the church establishment vs. scientific establishment based on this famous case, as well as other related information.
Galileo attacked Aristotelian teachings on multiple fronts including motion, flotation and, the most famous matter, cosmology, which part also contradicted church scriptures.
. . .
The Aristotelian model had the Earth as the unmoving center of the universe, with planets and the sun circling it in uniform circular motion. As observations of planets became more accurate, the Aristotelian geocentric model ran into trouble.
. . .
In internet search about Copernicus, the biography details that come up at mainstream websites almost always point to Georg Joachim Rheticus as the one who encouraged him to write his book, with Bishop Giese as the rare additional detail . . .
These ideological writers have successfully diverted credit to Rheticus . . .
. . .
To examine from a wider view the case of there being an inherent conflict between the nature of science and the nature of religion let us diversify far outside Europe.
Let us go to India, both at Copernicus’s time and today more religious than Europe, and where they were also pondering cosmology.
. . .
While Western science writers will typically choose to ignore non-Western achievements, we must here acknowledge and give credit to Steven Weinberg, whose writings are often attacked in this book, for accepting historical truth in his field of particle physics, and not shutting out contributions of ancient non-Western science. He notes in the preface of his 1992 book, Dreams of a Final Theory that “Atomism has roots in Indian metaphysics that go back even earlier than Democritus and Leucippus (italics mine).”[115]
. . .
Many church officials attended the event honoring Galileo. Cardinal Francesco Maria del Monte wrote regarding the occasion: “Galileo . . . had the opportunity of showing his discoveries so well . . . all found them . . . astonishing. Were we still living under the ancient republic of Rome, I am certain that a statue would have been erected in his honor on the Capitol.”[133] Cardinal Farnese gave a farewell banquet for Galileo and accompanied him for part of his further journey.
Now we look at the fourth group in the Galileo affair: the Aristotelian professors who were the science authorities, or scientific experts as science professors today like to be called.
A letter from Galileo to Kepler in August 1610 notes: “You would be amused if you saw this restless professor in Pisa who, through logical arguments, before the grand duke, tries to prevent and cancel the new planets, as if by magic!”[134] The letter refers to Professor Guido Libri who wanted to convince the grand duke that the observed moons of Jupiter cannot exist. On Libris’ death Galileo sarcastically commented, “never having wanted to see [the moons of Jupiter] on earth, perhaps he’ll see them on the way to heaven?”[135]
Biographer Karl von Gebler notes how “these men of science turned away with a righteous awe from the inconvenient recognition of the truth . . . “[136]
. . .
Galileo twice had a fallout with the church and it is now widely accepted that the reasons were far more complex than science vs. religion. We believe a substantial cause of the tension was Galileo’s insistently pushing the wrong scientific argument that tides are proof that the Earth moves.
. . .
But as we see in many places in this book, while the authorities of organized religion are no longer able to ban and prosecute free speech, universities, old and new media companies, and government leaders have emerged as today’s great prosecutors and suppressors of free speech. They often do this through a “cancel” culture where a proponent of unpopular views can overnight lose professional standing or place in intellectual or social society, and this is only one of many methodologies of persecution for such open expression.
. . .
The Galileo matter is the famous church vs. science story in physics. However, as we discuss in chapter 6, the Galileo affair illustrates that scientific dogma can be stronger than religious dogma; Galileo’s colleagues were more hostile to the claim that the Earth circles the sun than was the Catholic Church. The theory of evolution is the big science vs. religion event in biology. Separately from matters of physics and biology, God has long been associated with the infinite in philosophy and theology, and we touch on that in chapter 9; infinity became important to us because it explains the constancy of the speed of light, which Einstein simply postulated.
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Weinberg informs us of “the fact that religion originally gained much of its strength from the observation of mysterious phenomena – thunder, earthquakes, disease – that seemed to require the intervention of some divine being.”[158] Hawking confirms, “Ignorance of nature’s ways led people in ancient times to invent gods to lord it over every aspect of human life.”[159] We don’t agree that religion gained much of its strength from unexplained “thunder, earthquakes, disease.” Religion came from the concept of God as the creator. In different religions or regions, there might be different legends or deities or gods associated with this or that function or event, but there is only one God who is the creator of the universe. The debate has been about the creation of the universe, as it is today, not about thunder or fire or some names associated with this or that. That same question about the origin of it all is still with us and science has not answered it. Knowing the laws of motion or what causes thunder is not the way to defeat the need for the creator God of the religious texts. It is because of their failure to counter the origins claim through an alternative that many scientists attempt to change the foundations of the God theory. They want to preach that because of their success at understanding many of the laws of the universe, and mechanisms such as thunder or fire, the God theory has been weakened or refuted. It has not because origins continue to remain a mystery.
. . .
General relativity is built on special relativity. In chapter 5, we discuss that dark matter and curvature of space are beliefs of scientists that their instruments have never (directly) shown to be true, despite massive testing for these. No one has seen these all-pervading features of our universe, but people at the church of physics believe in them. So much for empiricism which is supposed to separate science from religion. It would seem null results shown by scientific instruments do not deter dogmatic authorities, who are experts at spinning these into not being a negative development.
. . .
One of the famous science vs. religion gatherings took place in November 2006, and physicists took the lead in attacking the God-believing churches. . . .
First up to address the initial question was cosmologist Steven Weinberg . . . “The world needs to wake up from the long nightmare of religion,” Weinberg told the congregation.
. . .
Physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson victoriously pointed out that the vast majority of “members of the members of the National Academy of Sciences reject God” but “want[ed] to know why” all don’t
. . .
Lawrence Krauss from physics has teamed up with Richard Dawkins . . . writes in an article titled All Scientists Should Be Militant Atheists:
I ridicule religious dogma . . . the suppression of open questioning in order to protect ideas that are considered “sacred” (italics mine).[176]
. . .
The 2021 book, Religion’s Sudden Decline by Ronald Inglehart, notes that from 2007 to 2019 religiosity fell in most of the world, with 43 out of 49 countries (containing 60 percent of the world’s population) studied showing this trend. Many atheists in the US celebrated the news that the US had finally shown a substantial move in becoming less religious, making it more like Europe in that regard. There continues to be one major exception to this trend of religious decline: India.
. . .
But militant scientists are not stating the reality about dogma when it comes to science vs. religion. The truth is that science can be and often is more dogmatic than religion.
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(Note: This chapter shows what can go wrong with the methodology of science, and we use fictional planet Venuts to illustrate. Do note that Venuts is not Earth. . . . This is science fiction and some of the physics is only loosely built on actual physics . . . . We have taken some liberties; for example, “time flowing slower,” when one is higher up is the opposite of the situation in general relativity. However, the simple pendulum and other clocks discussed are relevant to the key examination of whether relativity experiments have actually shown that time itself dilates; this is a foundation of relativity theories that we have attacked in previous chapters.)
Planet Venuts’ distinguishing features included a high density crust, large radius, and very high mountains. A monumental experimentally-verified physics discovery was that gravity affects time, and time dilates or slows as you go up from the planet’s surface. The slowing of time was repeatedly demonstrated by a simple pendulum taking longer to complete a back-and-forth cycle when higher.
. . .
Long before the above modern physics discoveries regarding the nature of space and time, planet Venuts had settled down to two major religions, along with several smaller ones. The founders of early physics considered religion to be an “unnecessary evil” and also founded militant atheism.
. . .
“Only truth is holy. Physics is experimentally verifiable truth. Traditional religion is a story and is fiction because there is no God. All miracles of God-centered religions are, by the truth that is physics, impossible and false.” . . . and proclaimed itself the “Only Experimentally Verifiable Religion.” The term “Holy Equations” began seeing common use.
. . .
Militant atheism was now leading the daily news and the Church of Physics was looming as the promise of the future. All mainstream media outlets, and even most of the independent ones, agreed that the domination of the old religions was on its way out. Expert media persons regularly delivered the message that the days of believers of one “myth” killing believers of another “myth” were over. The people of Venuts were being increasingly persuaded via various channels to abandon the old religions and their myths, and to embrace the Church of Physics as the “Experimentally Verified Religion.” More and more people were beginning to agree that religion was an “unnecessary evil” which had brought devastation to humanity.
. . .
Physicists – members of the Church of Physics – became the most powerful people on Venuts and their arrogance touched the stars. Based on their teachings and influence most people now felt that there was no need for God. Those clinging to the God-believing religions were considered to be less intelligent; almost no one with a college degree believed in God. Holiness was now considered to be in the equations of physics which, given the experimental proof, were accepted to be the highest truth of the universe.
. . .
The highest position in physics was Bishop of the Church of Physics. There were no more than a dozen active Bishops and they were chosen from those who devoted their lives to building on the Holy Equations. It was an honor that was far above all other awards and recognitions in other science and non-science academic fields. The Bishops met at regular scheduled meetings open to the public as well as closed meetings. No one else could attend Bishop-Level closed meetings and these meetings kept no records of what was discussed. Urgently called meetings were Zeta meetings.
Bishop-Level Zeta Closed Meeting. Agenda: Unauthorized Clock used to supposedly show Holy Equations’ Motion-Based Time Dilation Equation to be wrong.
“We called this Zeta meet because of a situation which we are calling the Elefah-Gnitaek Incident. A test of the time dilation formulas of the Holy Equations was being performed by our highly respected professors Elefah and Gnitaek using atomic clocks and our highest-speed space plane. The pilot turned out to be carrying an unauthorized clock to attempt an alternative test of time dilation. You have some of the details in the brief, others are just coming in. The pilot took an unauthorized high-precision Trivibrational clock which underwent a time dilation when compared to its twin clock left on the ground. But the pilot’s clocks gave a time dilation which seemingly contradicted the time dilation of the Holy Equations. Elefah and Gnitaek successfully verified with their atomic clocks that time dilation was as predicted by the Holy Equations.
. . .
“What kinds of pilots are we hiring for our most important missions? Rebels?
“The pilot had passed all background checks. She was a supporter of the Church of Physics from her early days.
. . .
“How did the pilot get into clock experiments?
“Among her most read documents was a paper that we had deleted from Ourchive database as being nonsense.
. . .
“However, experimental anomalies are still a threat. The greatest role the press plays is in the suppression of experimental anomalies that challenge our foundations – by not giving them coverage while publicizing every experimental success of the Holy Equations. We physicists are able to intelligently and pragmatically accept the reality that we do not like to try to refute our foundational theories and certainly will never attempt to refute the Holy Equations or tolerate those who try to. The biggest danger to the Holy Equations is an unexpected experimental result. A single experiment can knock our foundations and prove the Holy Equations wrong, and we have to protect against such an event.
. . .
“We need not worry about physics teachers in our schools or colleges rebelling against anything. They are sheep who will teach what is put in front of them. If the textbook says that the Holy Equations have passed all experimental tests that is what they will teach. Classrooms on Venuts fully belong to the Church of Physics. It does not matter what else a few physics professors might know, they will not allow questioning of the written words in the books, let alone boldly state to students that the textbook assigned to them by Church of Physics authorities may not be entirely correct or updated.
“Nevertheless, it is better for everyone if our professors and teachers do not know of experimental anomalies in the first place.
“Agreed. And let us work hard to keep it that way.
. . .
Part III
With Sirohi’s physics and mathematics breakthroughs centering on infinity, he discusses the controversial popular belief that pondering infinity has an effect on the mind. At Columbia Sirohi mocked a racial hoax that had consumed the campus – it claimed a black student, Michael Jones, was attacked by a white lynch mob. In retaliation, Jones along with fellow black militant leaders concocted a #MeToo hoax by recruiting Sirohi’s housing suitemate, Jessica Lee, a white student, to pursue fake #MeToo spying. However, her pursuit turned into a case of The Spy Who Loved Me. He dropped out of the university after an unrelated dispute which got head of Columbia College, Robert Pollack, fired; Columbia carried out a massive destruction of related documents. Court actions against Columbia and individuals followed for these acts. Pollack and President Lee Bollinger later got Sirohi arrested for sending an email to people at Columbia mentioning above Pollack matter. Sirohi notes the growing trend of racial hoaxes and persecution of free speech at American universities.
Can pondering infinity have an effect on the mind? That strange question is what this chapter is about.
This chapter also touches on the foundations of infinity within math and science. The greatest unshakable dogma being practiced in physics, seemingly based on the views of Aristotle, may be the avoidance of infinity. As described in the early chapters, I parted from that physics dogma. But I also discuss something that has gone unappreciated regarding what Aristotle said regarding infinity and nature, and how precisely right he was.
. . .
The two problems I would ponder in my lifetime were settled during or before the first year of college. One was from physics and the other from mathematics, and both were centered on infinity.
. . .
Cantor began to openly pursue what is called the Bacon-Shakespeare controversy. This controversy was already in existence and suggested Francis Bacon wrote William Shakespeare’s plays, letting him become publicly famous as the writer.
. . .
David Hilbert understood and thus explains the importance and necessity of pursuing infinity: “The definitive clarification of the nature of the infinite has become necessary, not merely for the special interests of the individual sciences, but rather for the honor of the human understanding itself.”[222]
. . .
Many biographers report that Gödel, who had originally intended to become a physicist, was turned to mathematics by Philip Furtwängler’s excellent lectures on number theory. Olga Taussky-Todd, a mathematician and fellow student of Gödel writes in her memoir this remark by Furtwängler on Gödel’s mental breakdowns: “Is his illness a consequence of proving the nonprovability or is his illness necessary for such an occupation?”[224] She herself ponders the cause of Gödel’s problems: “I do not know whether they were caused by the overstrain he suffered through the creative processes he made his brain carry out or whether they were just in his makeup.”[225] Among mathematicians, it would seem, the debate ensues.
I mentioned the views of my own professor Dorian Goldfeld at the start of this chapter.
. . .
I often said to myself as years went by that I am still the one who can take out Einstein; it seemed no one else was working on the light-infinity connection. I wondered why physicists were not looking for an explanation that brings infinity into the picture to explain the constancy of speed of light. There should have been hundreds of the so called best minds working on it but they were satisfied with Einstein’s special relativity concept of a light postulate, and here I was alone in this pursuit of an explanation of the postulate. In those days, physicist and mathematician Ed Witten was being hailed as having unleashed a “second superstring revolution.” Following his path, hordes of theoretical physicists were turning to string theory, which aims to unite quantum mechanics with relativity while keeping special relativity unchanged.
. . .
My mind would lock on to certain matters, with three being favorite themes: the possible role of zero in science and math, and whether zero had any implications for my work on infinity and light; a link between the black students controversy at Columbia and the fall of Western civilization; Leibniz having plagiarized his mathematics and philosophy.
. . .
Liebniz being substantially on the mind was now common to Cantor, Gödel and me. I had a negative feeling about Leibniz in that there is a Leibniz authorship controversy similar to Shakespeare not writing his own plays. Neither Gödel nor Cantor had such a feeling, and both were great admirers of Leibniz. . . . And Leibniz’s philosophy, including monadology is becoming ever more famous. The Bacon-Shakespeare controversy was already well known when Cantor focused on it, but such speculation about Leibniz did not exist at the time of Cantor and Gödel; even today this Leibniz matter is not well known and few write about it. However, the matter of Leibniz’s sources should be a serious topic for scholarly research, and the evidence may be easier to find and evaluate than the Bacon-Shakespeare matter, in my view. Further, such research would be relevant to the Leibniz–Newton calculus controversy, which so much has been written about.
. . .
Zero has properties similar to the infinite, such as a fractional (or larger) part being equal to the whole, as in k·0=0, where k is any finite number such as, say, 4/7 or 999.
. . .
Mileva Marić was Einstein’s fellow physics student and they married in 1903. In an October 1897 letter, eight years before Einstein came up with special relativity, sans infinity, Meliva wrote him in a letter: “I don’t think the structure of the human skull is to be blamed for man’s inability to understand the concept of infinity.”[250]
Three mathematician-physicists who have their names associated with parts of relativity had been pondering Georg Cantor’s actual infinity: Henri Poincaré, Hermann Minkowski and David Hilbert.
. . .
The famous companionship that developed between Gödel and Einstein and the question of what they discussed puzzled many.
. . .
Gödel was a member of the inner group of the elite Vienna Circle that met from 1924 to 1936 at the University of Vienna. At the Circle, Einstein and special relativity were hot topics. Gödel was close to philosopher and physicist Moritz Schlick . . . Schlick was an early supporter of Einstein . . .
. . .
Pursuit of an explanation of the constancy of the speed of light brought actual infinity into physics. Unfortunately for Einstein and those who built on relativity, infinity, in providing an explanation for the constancy of speed of light, would annihilate the equations and spacetime of special relativity. Accompanying the entry of actual infinity into physics was the question that has long troubled mathematics: Can pondering infinity have an effect on the mind?
At around 2 am on March 22, 1987, a fight occurred between a group of undergraduate black students and white students at Columbia University.
The cause of confrontation centered around two students, Michael Jones, black, and Matt Sodl, white, who had seemingly been having problems with each other.
Based on witness testimony, Michael Jones and a group of about 10 black males he had gathered waited for Matt Sodl and others to come out of the Ferris Booth Hall (FBH) student activities center. When Matt Sodl appeared with some friends, an argument between the groups ensued and turned into a physical fight.
An organization called the Concerned Black Students at Columbia (CBSC) was formed the day after the fight. Black Students Organization (BSO) was the permanent organization at Columbia, while the CBSC was formed ad hoc in response to the racial incident. The most outspoken leaders of the CBSC – and part of what was called the steering committee – were Michael Jones, Doriana Scott and JacQuie Parmlee. JacQuie Parmlee was also the head of BSO, but the leadership of the CBSC was with Michael Jones who took the title “Political Chair.”
The CBSC’s description of events was stated in the “Wanted” posters they put up:
. . .
To me, as a foreign student, this was an extraordinary American style political event, and at the time in the late 1980s a racial hoax of this nature could, perhaps, only happen at places like Columbia, with its dominant left wing and its Harlem location being key factors. Today racial hoaxes can happen and are happening across American universities.
The demands for expulsion of involved whites, increase in black faculty counts and equality of black student counts to their US population were loudly made with warnings . . .
. . .
The militant CBSC did not like such diversity of thought and open expression of views on campus, and seethed that op-eds that went against their “lynch mob” story were accepted in the Spectator.
After learning of what witnesses said, Columbia’s silent majority realized that the incident was a fight between black students who were waiting for certain white students to exit the student activities center. Not only was there no lynch mob, whites did not even outnumber blacks in the fight. Most students I talked with had concluded that the “real racists” were Michael Jones and the CBSC leaders who were lying about him and other blacks being attacked by a white lynch mob. The term “real racists” was becoming prominent among the silent majority but not among the marchers and the left wing whose version of events pervaded the Spectator and outside news coverage.
. . .
In court testimony used to establish Krause’s claim of racial discrimination, Krause’s lawyer, Summers, pressed deans on why they did not discipline the black students responsible for literature and posters that included names and pictures of white students involved, describing them as a white lynch mob.
. . .
One has to look at facts and cannot apply color-based justice during a fight. Within left wing universities such reality is lost, with most of the left wing shocked at demand of equality in such black-white student racial matters, given the clear history of one race being the oppressor. Krause used the N-word but he has no history of racial harassment, his use of the N-word in the fight being his history. Jones should have certainly been disciplined for his behavior, and Krause should then have been disciplined too for his lesser harassment. That would undoubtedly be just. But one cannot just hang the white student and let the big racial harasser go unpunished.
. . .
As mentioned above, the Columbia administration testified regarding the posters that there was no issue that such “horrible” behavior and the “creatures that created these things” should be subject to a “disciplinary hearing” and they “wanted to have” such a hearing. The University instead gave the jury other defenses of their failure to discipline the CBSC. Their excuse, at least regarding the posters, was that they couldn’t find out who these “creatures” were and Dean Johnson suggested that there was a “rumor” that it was not the CBSC but some outsiders. Such false excuses must make this among the most brazen and foolish false testimony by a university dean – not just was the administration fully aware that the CBSC was responsible for this and various other misbehavior – the CBSC was proud and open about it.
. . .
Peer-to-peer #MeToo allegations, both student-student and faculty-faculty, are becoming common in academic institutions. Such peer-to-peer controversies go beyond the traditional faculty-student or employer-employee matters, where one person officially had power over the other. Before examining my own matter, I briefly look at well-known #MeToo peer-to-peer cases where alleged incidents occurred between peers at academic institutions. Two of these cases are from physics.
Among the most famous #MeToo claims are those made against US Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh during his 2018 nomination to that position; these were from alleged incidents in his time as a high school student and college student, which occurred over thirty years before his nomination. These allegations were student-student.
. . .
In retaliation against me for mocking their lynch mob hoax, the CBSC planned a student peer-to-peer “whisper campaign,” with the aim of getting my housing suitemate, Jessica Lee, to make allegations.
My story of fake #MeToo has officially been in the public domain – since it was part of a lawsuit I filed, even though the story was under the media radar. I had left Columbia in October 1988, had been investigating the matter, and within a few years filed the lawsuit detailing the matter.
Much of what is mentioned below is from a Court Complaint, filed in New York state court in 1994. The complaint was about 200 numbered paragraphs that ran over 30 single-spaced pages.
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Even if a #MeToo is fake, the accuser seems to persist with the claims, in almost all cases. Matters regarding whether or not the accusations were actually fake thus remain forever undecided. My case is highly unusual in that the accuser completely took back any and all #MeToo type claims. Court prosecution for fake #MeToo, which I pursued, is also rare.
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Independently and on her own, Lee would not even have come to make a statement that I did something that could be considered a show of personal interest in her, and she would just have been a normal suitemate and acquaintance. However, she had been successfully pushed by the CBSC into a #MeToo project, . . .
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Michael Jones was very unhappy at not having gotten an official complaint filed by Jessica Lee. It would seem that, as a political expert at executing successful hoaxes, he saw the partial success with Lee as a glass half empty and not half full.
The fake #MeToo assignment then dramatically turned into a case of The Spy Who Loved Me!
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Black militants at Columbia have long benefited from the power of their skin color. Among black militants who took the lead in the formation of a Columbia blacks-only space, Malcolm X lounge in Hartley Hall, was Eric Holder, who headed the US Department of Justice under President Barack Obama. Holder, who was an undergraduate at Columbia from 1969 to 1973, brags about the power he enjoyed as a militant black leader at Columbia: . . .
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Will foreigners continue to flock to left wing universities where militant left wing student gangs wield great power and can act with impunity in persecuting students? Further, these student gangs have discovered fake #MeToo as a means of retaliation against those who openly speak out against them.
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There can be no doubt that most of the racial controversies and claims are not hoaxes. However, the growing count of racial hoaxes is alarming.
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A few pages of this chapter are about math and then we get to other matters.
In chapter 9, I mentioned my pursuit of infinity in physics and math. Mathematics was secondary to me, with physics as my main pursuit. However, my seeking a wide understanding of infinity led me to ponder pure mathematics issues.
In my 2nd year as an undergraduate at Columbia, the 1986-87 academic year, I discovered a new math theorem regarding infinite series, and this played a substantial and dramatic role in my affairs at Columbia.
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At the end of summer 1987, I emailed the Columbia College head, Dean Robert Pollack, regarding my theorem and expressed my interest in immediately switching from SEAS to the College. Dean Blake Thurman was responsible SEAS-College transfers and Pollack asked me to connect with him. Blake Thurman reported to Dean Roger Lehecka, who reported to Pollack.
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The Indian student club got involved, with a formal letter signed by its officials. As part of this process, there were meetings with another College administrator regarding the matter, asking that he formally investigate what had happened in the office. Nothing came of that, and there was no real investigation. Pollack and Lehecka did not want such an investigation and I was told that the deans were suggesting that I take my complaint to the office for foreign students – an office that had no power whatsoever.
In January 1989 I wrote a detailed narrative for Columbia University President Michael Sovern and other central administrators and asked that they investigate the matter. I also gave copies of that document to many high profile faculty members.
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Provost Goldberger sent me a letter in February 1989, in which he said they found no wrongdoing by any administrator and my claims had no merit. Meanwhile, the central administrators continued to discuss Pollack’s future and finally fired him for his misbehavior against me.
Pollack’s resignation was announced in April 1989.
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Major legal advice I got was to have a list and copy of all the notes I had left for deans, along with other records that had been generated in the many months I interacted with administrators. These would be key details needed for lawyers to see if they have a strong enough case to consider taking it on a contingency basis; if they took the case they would quickly subpoena a copy of the records. In May of 1993, I put in a formal request to examine my Columbia College student file; there is an official file for each student and all correspondence, as well as other matters, go into that file. On learning of this request to examine my student file, Dean Karen Blank, in consultation with Lehecka, carried out a massive destruction of documents from my student file . . .
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That university administrators are not accountable is, by itself, a problem with these institutions.
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At the start of 2004, I sent two emails to people at Columbia; in response, Columbia called in the police to prosecute that act. I have detailed in chapter 11 my free speech persecution by militant black students at Columbia relating to my expressing views on a racial hoax incident and also by the Columbia administration regarding a letter I wrote a white student who had played a key role in such persecution.
I knew the Columbia administration would not be happy with my sending these emails to people at Columbia. However, I could not imagine any police arrest . . .
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The email was regarding Pollack but was sent to others, as below, and not to him.
January 2, 2004
From: Ashish Sirohi
Subject: Robert Pollack: One of Many shameful secrets of CU!
To: Biological Sciences people, CSSR Staff, a few of the faculty active in Columbia-250
Your colleague, Professor of Biological Sciences Robert Pollack . . . has the notorious distinction of having been secretly fired from his position of Dean of Columbia College for deceit and other wrongdoings. This is just one of many skeletons in the closets of the corrupt administration of Columbia!
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Unhappy at my putting up a website in late January 2004 to disseminate information about Columbia’s misusing the police, the Columbia administration called up friend(s) high up in the US Department of Justice (USDOJ) head office in Washington, DC. The INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service), now called ICE, falls under the USDOJ.
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It is interesting that in recent years the two names associated with my email arrest, Pollack and Bollinger, took the helm at Columbia regarding the importance of free speech. While Bollinger as Columbia president, and also a legal expert on freedom of speech, can be expected to be involved in major resolutions, Pollack was now also a Columbia leader and free speech advocate and expert.
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The reality is that American universities and media applaud some free speech while looking to ban other, often based on the political leanings of the speaker or writer.
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The Columbia Global Freedom of Expression was established in 2014, “bringing together international experts and activists with the University’s faculty and students to survey, document, and strengthen free expression.” It may be wise for Columbia University to give up these free speech leadership shams and for these alleged “activists with the University’s faculty and students” to work to first address free speech persecution within Columbia!
An article in a conservative newspaper titled, Columbia University is worst college in nation for free speech: report[327] begins with “If you like free speech, don’t go to Columbia,” . . .
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Another college students’ poll matches the findings of the above in the FIRE-College Pulse report and shows how students have been increasingly aware of free speech problems. A Knight Foundation-Ipsos study titled College Student Views on Free Expression and Campus Speech 2022[331] notes that a “steadily declining share of students think free speech rights are secure,” with this number down from 73% in 2016 to 47% in 2021.
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A 2019 article at the American Association of University Professors notes that administrators, and not faculty, lead the persecution of free speech: . . .
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What is often not realized is that there can and will be serious consequences for evading key truths. Which key truth is being evaded by universities and mainstream media, and what will be the consequences for America? I discuss that in the last two chapters of this book.
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Part IV
Sirohi sought an understanding of the cause of black students’ underperformance and high rates of misbehavior within American academic institutions. He discovered the dramatic reality, evidenced by test results, of white students having falling IQs, as well as its cause. The effect of such white decline is that the intellectual fall of Western schools and universities is already well in progress. However, ancient civilizations, across different races, seem to share a common immunity to the cause of this IQ fall. We seem to be at the start of a new age of reversion to leadership of ancient civilizations.
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There is a reality that students with high scores on the math sections of standardized tests are successfully able to complete STEM majors, and that students with low scores often change away from these majors.
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In academia, previously used genetic arguments to explain racial IQ test differences are shunned. We agree that such genetic arguments were not correct. In fact, our predicted change from the large gap in black-white scores to equality of scores would go against the model of genetic explanation of racial differences in standardized tests or IQ tests performance.
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Scholars today like to cherry-pick what “environmental” factors are acceptable to them as having an effect on IQ and they do that for reasons not having to do with pursuit of truth, in our opinion. It is this groupthink – based on social, political and other fears and pressures – that we do not agree with and certainly do not succumb to.
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Many physics organizations and departments have cited with approval an American Institute of Physics (AIP) 180-page TEAM-UP report released in January 2020.[338]
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For activists, commentators and experts on such matters the report has become something to be lauded, and it is always uncritically cited. However, the report’s own data does not even support the conclusions reached in the report. In August 2020 we wrote an email, addressed to all the individual members of the AIP task force, regarding this matter.
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Meanwhile, starting in 2020, many physics activists have organized and been aggressively talking of anti-Blackness in physics, with one such group of thousands called Particles for Justice declaring:
[I]t is widely known that Black students often feel unwelcome, unsupported, and even unsafe in their physics departments . . . Anti-Blackness is pervasive . . . the number of students and faculty in particle physics and other subfields make this very clear (italics mine).
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Based on our correct understanding of the matter of black student underperformance, we can make dramatic and correct black-white-Asian physics predictions. And we will give data we base these on. The final proof of what we say is in these predictions coming true. Since the AIP report is evading the truth regarding the cause of low black count in American physics, and pushing for ways to remedy their declared false explanation of departmental racism, their above quoted 2030 goal of 500 black Americans getting a physics bachelor’s will not be met. That is our first prediction. We give below further predictions.
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There are already reports of stealth affirmative action for whites in America, which is needed to maintain white count at top colleges because scores of white Americans in standardized tests are falling relative to Asians.
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The great irony is that this dramatic white American student academic fall has been happening while all the clamor about structural and systemic racism as the cause of the gaps between white and minority students has been reaching resonance.
To talk more generally of IQ or cognitive ability, let us look at the Asian-white comparison beyond math. Let us look at English/Verbal scores using a controversial book, but one that is well researched in that it heavily cites data for much of its arguments.
In discussing “Ethnic Differences in Cognitive Ability,” The Bell Curve[348] suggests genetics as a substantial factor in causing whites to be better than Asian at verbal abilities, and Asians to be better at math. . . .
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The Bell Curve was talking of alleged genetic Asian-white differences which have been preserved from “hundreds of centuries ago” . . . They and other researchers could not imagine that white Americans would break the genetic advantage which supposedly bestows them with higher “verbal intelligence,” by falling below Asians on verbal tests. The white Verbal/English SAT fall is being confirmed by a similar fall in Verbal/English ACT and NAEP scores.
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Every decade is now going to be more bad news about the math and Verbal/English abilities of white Americans. What is happening is a fall in the IQ or cognitive ability of the American white majority, in both math and verbal, and it has a long way to go.
Today, admissions officials at American colleges are hit but these truth evading professionals are uniting and fighting back to maintain white numbers without calling it what it is: stealth affirmative action for whites. The advisory group Making Caring Common in its January 2016 Turning the Tide report has, on the page preceding the report text, a full page picture of a student holding his head in frustration against a blackboard full of equations.[356] The “message” these new college groups are sending is that math ability and excelling at subjects that have a lot of math is not what American colleges consider cool! But the white students’ problem is not just falling math ability but falling IQ or general cognitive ability; though this is not openly discussed, it would seem it is being quietly recognized by some.
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Stuyvesant is often considered the flagship NYC school. In recent decades, the big chunk of these top schools has been white and Asian. Asian percentage at Stuyvesant, exceeded 70% in 2019, up from 6% in 1970; meanwhile, white enrollment plummeted from about 80% in 1970 to under 20% in 2019.
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Segregation was a term that came from non-whites not being allowed in white schools. Now the American mainstream media increasingly uses it for schools where Asians dominate, which results from their outperformance on the admission criteria.
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American black-white students’ standardized testing gap had been growing wider for decades and then noticeably started a reverse trend and began narrowing around 2005. This coincided with a widening Asian-white gap, including on tests of Verbal/English where whites had traditionally been ahead of Asian Americans. What is the cause of these trends? What had been getting worse among black American students relative to whites prior to 2005, and then what started going wrong with white American students relative to blacks and Asians?
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China certainly is rising in power, but most experts would say it has no great advantage and thus has a long way to go before it can displace America. However, America has a major problem, which China does not have!
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Explaining white decline is now the towering problem for the left wing, with racism not being the cause; the increasing Asian-white gap is particularly a dilemma for the systemic racism argument as being the explanation for racial performance gaps.
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With whites performing at the top levels in schools falling, fewer and fewer whites will become outstanding physics researchers, mathematicians, engineers, founders (particularly of tech companies) or top managers. American companies, especially those creating technology, will struggle for talent and productivity. . . . cannot remain a STEM leader, and that leadership is today essential to be the leading economic power. Beyond STEM, if reading ability is in decline and this begins to show up even among those with degrees from top universities, then all types of American companies will suffer. They will not find old style excellent candidates among those who got admitted to universities through such newfangled left wing notions.
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These researchers add in above article, “In a time when the economy is becoming more globally competitive . . . it’s important to ensure there are enough high-achieving students to fill jobs that will drive the economy.” And they point out in a follow-up article having the subtitle America’s lack of STEM students is bad news for national security, “The country’s defensive capabilities often depend on brains, not brawn.”[379]
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This trend has been borne out by the count of black males in college being substantially lower than that of black females. Now whites are showing the same female-male college gap.
An article titled A Generation of American Men Give Up on College: ‘I Just Feel Lost’[383] cites data showing this white trend . . . data cited in the article also shows that among Asian Americans there is no similar collapse in the percentage of males going to college. Colleges are now quietly giving preference to white males over white females to counter the growing shortage:
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We believe Greece will re-emerge as the Western leader in physics and math, and will tower for coming millennia over the decaying Western nations that only managed to shine briefly in the history of these fields: US, UK and Germany. Greece will successfully fly the flag of Western intellect at a proud level similar to the upcoming prosperous civilizations east of it.
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Women already make up the majority of university graduates in America and Europe. As American and European colleges become more women-dominated, the percentage of women choosing STEM becomes even more crucial. In looking at which countries have a higher percentage of women choosing STEM, one runs into what researchers in the field have stated to be a paradox. The gender-equality paradox is that the higher the gender equality within a country, the fewer women in STEM.
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The gender-equality paradox is founded on assumptions regarding what constitutes gender equality. If one switches to . . . then the gender-equality paradox largely disappears.
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My struggle with the church of physics and other evaders of truth continues with the writing of this book.
Those interested in technical details can view the Appendices from the book. These Appendices are also made available below: